We are delighted to have helped secure planning consent for the development of Sand Martins Golf Club which will secure the long-term viability of the club.
Working alongside Lewandowski Architects, the proposals include an extension to the clubhouse and a new standalone venue building with guest accommodation. The buildings have been designed sympathetically to reflect the historic agricultural vernacular of the site and located carefully, nestled within an improved rural landscape setting. A proposed Greenkeepers’ building and associated yard will also sit discretely within the existing landscape setting with features designed to enhance the site’s existing biodiversity.
A landscape led site wide masterplan has been developed by Colvin and Moggridge which seeks to strengthen and enhance the existing countryside character of the proposed development sites, as well as the wider golf course in order to create a more rural landscape character as the context for both the development and its wider golf course setting. The wider proposals will be delivered through a vegetation management plan for the estate aimed at delivering a net gain in biodiversity. The biodiversity net gain proposals have been evolved alongside ecologists Hankinson Duckett Associates.