uniquely personal landscapes

Our aim when designing for leisure, sports and education is to balance aesthetic aspirations with functional requirements. We have undertaken projects as wide-ranging as our masterplanning work for Jersey Zoo, our designs to improve circulation and accessibility for visitors at RHS Wisley Glasshouse, and our interpretive garden for the Erasmus Darwin Museum in Lichfield. Our work to facilitate the sensitive siting of a contemporary sports pavilion within Regent’s Park, coupled with our proposals to improve the circulation for park users while maximising the sports provision, has resulted in a truly user-friendly facility within a historic park setting.

RHS Garden Wisley, Surrey

Circulation Strategies, Concept Design, Landscape Design, Masterplanning, Visualisations

Durrell Wildlife Park, Jersey

Circulation Strategies, Enclosure Design, Habitat Creation, Planting Design, Site Masterplanning

Thatched Barn, Christ Church, Oxford

Green Belt, Historic Landscapes, Landscape Design Statements, Landscape Designs, LVIA

Beaverbrook Golf Club

AONB, Environmental Stewardship, Expert Witness Statements, Green Belt, Historic Landscapes, Landscape Design Statements, LVIAs, Management Plans, Masterplanning

SCORE, London

Landscape Design, Landscape Design Statements, Landscape Management Contracts, Landscape Works Inspection, Planning Applications

Regent’s Park Hub, London

Circulation Strategy, Historic Landscape, Meadow Landscape, Sports Pitch Masterplanning